the dietologist

Food has been at the center of our survival as a race. Humans have been gathering around food for as far as we can remember. We eat when we're happy, but also when we are sad, angry, tired and alone. Everybody knows what to eat, and how to lose weight, yet, most of us find it hard to maintain our health goals and have rather negative feelings about food. We've learned to identify what is "healthy" and what is not, but only few know how much they should eat, and that's what we will learn together. Knowing how much you need to eat to reach your goals without focusing on the "what" is crucial to enjoying life, because after all, food is life.

You're going to have a minimum of 32,850 meals during your life. Let's learn to enjoy them

Eat Normal, Be Normal

Are you one of the millions that have been mislead to believe that what you eat matters for weight loss? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T Though enjoying "unhealthy" foods has a huge effect on your health, it has nothing to do with weight loss, as weight loss is a simple equation: Food in < Food burned = Weight Loss Together, we will focus on your relationship with food while taking into account your food preferences to form a program that’s suited for you. We'll work on establishing reachable targets and differentiating between losing weight and becoming healthy.

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Monday to Friday 10:00 AM — 6:00 PM